Improved layout… updated content…
We hope you enjoy our new look website, designed to work much better on smaller screen devices like phones and tablets whilst also being a great resource for everything to do with the Norfolk Dialect. We are still adding and updating stuff on a regular basis so, please, come back to check on us every nowan’agin
You’ll find a greater use of video, sound recordings and images as well as an improved layout.We’ve also taken the opportunity to scan and upload all of the back issues of The Merry Mawkin, add more content about two past Norfolk favourites – The Boy John and The Singing Postman – and begin moving our extensive archive of learning and recorded material online.
As Aunt Agatha, she say, “Yew can mearke many a false step by standen still“.
If you have any comments, wish to add to our archive or generally would like to get in touch, please use the Contact Us page.