

The Merry Mawkin, newsletter of the Friends of Norfolk Dialect (FOND), is packed full of interesting features, pictures and letters, all with one thing in mind – to help preserve our vernacular for future generations.

The A5-size, twenty-eight page glossy magazine – with several pages in colour! – is published three times a year and is free to members of FOND, although non-members may purchase copies if required.

We welcome anything on a Norfolk theme: stories and poetry in dialect, photographs of bygone days, as well as letters or emails describing what living in Norfolk means to you.

The Merry Mawkin publication is edited by Zena Tinsley. Please forward articles to editor@friendsofnorfolkdialect.com

The Merry Mawkin logo was designed by Tony Hall.

FOND Archive Fearvruts

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  • Our President, Peter Trudgill, wrote a series of articles for the Eastern Daily Press from 2012-2016 - we have archived them all here for your enjoyment...

  • A list of recommended Norfolk Dialect reading compiled by Keith Skipper, by no means comprehensive but a useful starting point for any enthusiasts.

  • A brief history of the Friends of Norfolk Dialect, (FOND), how, when and why we were formed and what we hope to achieve, I 'spose you'd call ut 'About Us'.