Accordin-lie | Accordingly: “Uhcordin-lie ter him”. With emphasis on ‘lie’. | |
Acrorst | Across: “I wet acrorst the rud to the busstop.” | |
Afore | Before: “Afore yew go, ole paartner, less hevva drink.” | |
Afreard | Afraid: “My dawg wuz hoolly afreard o’’ the dark, he wuz.” | |
Agin | Again, once more, or against: “Thass cold agin, ent ut?” | |
Allus | Always: “I allus cycle to wark.” | |
Alonga me | With me: “Come alonga me!” | |
An’orl | And all, hence: “An’ yisterday wuz wet, an’orl.” | |
Ar(t)er | After: the ‘t’ is barely pronounced, at the back of the throat, more like: “ar-uh” | |
Arly | Early: “Heh’yuh got yar arly tearters in yit?” | |
Arternune | Afternoon: similar pronunciation to ‘arter’. | |
Atwin | Between: “Atwin me, yew an’ the geartepust…!” | |
Ax | To ask: “If yew watta cuppa, yew hatta ax proper fur it.’’ | |
Axed | Asked: “Hev yew gotta loight, bor?” he axed. |
Backus | Scullery or out-house. | |
Badly | Poorly, or in ill health: “I fare badly terday, I dew, an’orl!” | |
Barney | A quarrel, or falling out: “I hed a roight ole barney wi’ him nex’ dor, I did.” | |
Beck | A small stream: Beeston beck. | |
Bein’as | Because of: “Bein’as th’ trearn dint come, I wuz learte hoome.” | |
Bishy-barney-bee | A ladybird. | |
Blar | Cry, or weep: “Stop yar blarin’, dew yew’ll mearke me blar an’orl”. | |
Blunder | To fall over: “I hoolly blundered over in the rud, I did!” | |
Bolt | Eat food too quickly, to ‘wolf’ it down without chewing. | |
Bop | To duck down, lower one’s head to avoid being seen. | |
Bor | Norfolk way to address males: “Hello, Bor, how’re yer gorn on, tergether?”. | |
Botty | Fussy, particular: “She wuz a botty little mawther.” | |
Brawk | To belch loudly after meals! | |
Burr | Haze around the Moon. |
Caution | Amazing or surprising news: “Well, ent that a caution – City won agin!” | |
Chimley | Chimney: “Mollie Windley she smook loike a chimley…” | |
Claggy | Moist or sticky. | |
Clam up | Go quiet, shut up: “When I arrived, she hoolly clammed up!” | |
Clever | Handsome or dexterous: “Thass a clever little gearte yew’re med, bor!” | |
Clip | A quick cuff of the hand: “My Maw dint harf clip my lug.” | |
Clout | A heavier blow: “I gev my thumb a clout with the hammer and it dint harf smart!” | |
Cobbles | Round beach pebbles used for paving and building. | |
Cop | To get caught out: “You’ll hoolly cop it when yew git home.” | |
Coshies, cushies | Sweets: “Here’s thruppence fur some coshies, Albie.” | |
Crowd | To push in: “Give me room – dunt yew crowd me so.” | |
Cuckoo | Cocoa: “I like corfee, but my wife likes cuckoo afore bed.” |
Dassent, dussent | Dare not: “No, I dussent do that, do I do, I might blunder down!” | |
Dast, dust | Dare: “I dast yew to climb that there tree.” | |
Dawg | Dog: “Clear yew orf, dew I’ll set my dawg onya!” | |
Dew | A social occasion. | |
Dickey | Donkey: “Dew yew fa’r keep a dickey, bor?” | |
Ding | A sharp blow, a cuff: “Mother dint harf ding my lug!” | |
Dint | Didn’t, did not: “I dint dew that…” | |
Dockey | A labourer’s dinner, kept in a dockey bag. | |
Dudder | Shiver, to ‘dudder’ with cold: “I’m all on a-dudder!” | |
Dutty, datty | Dirty, grubby: “Wipe yar dutty feet afore yew come inta my clean scull’ry!” | |
Duzzy | Silly, stupid: “Yew duzzy waarmin, yew.” |
Fare | To be, feel or seem: “That fare like rearn, an’ I dun’t fare too well!” | |
Fierce | A state of health: “My Martha ent tew ferce terday.” | |
Finnicky | Fussy, too particular (over food). | |
Floater | Type of dumpling. | |
Fosey | Stale, mildewed (food): “My apple wuz fosey!” | |
Fourses | Tea break in the afternoon (traditionally in the harvest field). | |
Frazzled | Frayed, worn (garments); worried, anxious (nerves). | |
Friz, frooz | Frozen: “That hoolly frooz laarst night, an’ the pond was friz.” | |
Fumble-fisted | Clumsy. | |
Furriner | Someone from furrin (foreign) parts. | |
Fy-out | Clean out (ditches) – but: “He gev his snout a good ole fy-out!” |
Gansey | Fishermen’s jersey or heavy jumper made of oiled wool. | |
Garp, gorp | To gape: “That Missus Smith dew gorp outta har net cartins.” | |
Gret, greart | Great: “Thass a greart ole lobsta yew’re got there, bor!” | |
Grizzle | Cry (with pain): “The littl’un grizzled orl night, what with har teeth a-comin’.” | |
Gurn | To grin, make faces. | |
Guzunder | Chamber pot: goes under the bed. |
Ha and hacker | To stutter. | |
Haller | Shout loudly. | |
Hamper | To damage or hinder: “I woulda bin hare sooner, but the rearn hampered me!” | |
Harnser | Heron. | |
Hedge Betty | Hedge sparrow. | |
Het | Heated: “Hent yew het the kittle yit?” | |
Hid | Head: “I thacked my hid on that there tree!” | |
Higgle | To bargain or argue. | |
Hin | A chicken. | |
Hitch up | To make room: “Hitch up, bor, then there’ll be room fur me an’orl on the seat!” | |
Hold yew hard! | Listen a minute, hang on a moment. | |
Hoss | Horse, also be boisterous: “Yew hatta hoss about, dun’t yew? Yew hoolly cearme hossin down the rud!” | |
Howsomever | However. | |
Huh (On the) | Uneven, not level: “That wall yew built wuz on the huh!” Alternatively: “On the sosh.” | |
Hull | To pitch or throw: “He hulled the ball at me and it hit me in the gut; what med me hull up!” | |
Hunnycart | Vehicle for collecting night soil: “Thass afore the days o’ water closets, tew yew, mileardy!” |
Jam | To stamp on, or walk heavily: “We jammed about all day at the Show!” or: “Dunt you jam on my foot.” | |
Jiffle | To fidget: “Stop yar jifflin’,” the teacher told Tommy. | |
Jip | Pain, aggravation: “My corns hoolly gev me jip.” | |
Job, jorb | Something remarkable: “That new car o’ yars is the job, ent it?” | |
Jollificearshuns | Fun and games, joviality. |
Lady’s smock | Canterbury bell, cuckoo flower. | |
Laid | Corn flattened by gales or heavy rain. | |
Lam | To thump or beat: “He dint harf lam itter me.” | |
Larn | To teach: “That there teacha tried on it, but she coont larn me nuffin.” | |
Loke | A blind alley or a short lane. | |
Lollop | To walk ungainly or slowly: “That mawther dunt know how tuh walk, she jist lollop along.” | |
Lug | An ear – or to carry: “I in’t lugging that all the way home!” or “My dad gev my lug a clip!” | |
Lummox | A clumsy person. |
Mardle | To gossip, or chat: Also, another name for a pond! | |
Marl | Chalk: Dug out of pits and used as fertiliser on fields. | |
Master, masterous | An expression of admiration: “Thass a master good crop o’ tearters.” Or: “Thass a masterous job.” | |
Masterpiece | Anything amazing or astonishing. | |
Mawkin | A scarecrow: See: The Merry Mawkin. | |
Mawther | Girl or a woman: Sometimes ‘Maw’. | |
Mellow | Ripe. | |
Misery | Aches and pains: “That apple pie gev me misery in my stommick.” | |
Mite | Small, or a little bit: “I ent a mite hungry.” | |
Mob, mobbed | To tell off, scold, or take to task: “I hoolly mobbed that boy when his ball cem in my gaard’n.’ | |
Mow in | Join in, help out: “I spuz yew want me tuh mow in with the washin-up, dorn’t yew, Maw?” | |
Muckwash | Sweat, sweating profusely. |
Pamment | Pavement. | |
Pample | To tread lightly or quietly. | |
Pearks | Gadgets, new-fangled things, inventions. | |
Peerking | Nosing around, looking for something. | |
Pightle | A paddock. | |
Pingle | To play with your food. | |
Pishamire | An ant. | |
Pod | Belly, gut: “All that sluss, he’s got a pod on him!” | |
Pollywiggle | A tadpole. | |
Primmicky | Affected, difficult to please. | |
Puckaterry | In a muddle, or a bit of a temper. | |
Push | A boil, or large spot. | |
Putting on parts | Misbehaving, drawing attention to oneself: “Thass no good yew a-puttin on yar parts…” |
Rabbit | To cut a groove, rebate, in carpentry. | |
Rafty | Damp , raw weather. | |
Rare | Anything unusual: “Thass a rare fine pheasant yew’ve got there, bor!” | |
Raw | Angry, displeased: “Maw wuz hoolly raw wi me for duttying up her troshall.” | |
Reasty | Rancid. | |
Rent | Tear: “I blundered down in the street an’ rent me trousers.” | |
Rimer | Hoar frost: “Blass me, thass a right ole rimer this mornin.” | |
Ruck | To crease: “What hev yew bin doin now, my mawther? Yar skut’s orl rucked up!” | |
Run | To leak: “Dunt yew use that there kittle, corse that run, that dew!” | |
Run on (go on) | To exaggerate, to grumble: “Stop goin on about the wather – yew do run on, yew do, an’ thass a fact!” |
Sadly | Unwell: “He took tuh his bed, corse he wuz so sadly.” | |
Screws | Rheumatic aches and pains. | |
Shannock | A native of Sheringham; born of true Sheringham stock. | |
Shink | Should think: “I shink she wuz suffen savidge”. | |
Shiver | A splinter: “I’re gotta shiver in me finger.” | |
Shruck, shrook | Past tense of shriek: “She shrook out when she saw Old Shuck and took to har bed.” | |
Shuck | An untidy person. Also Old Shuck, the phantom hell-hound that roams the cliffs looking for his dead master. | |
Shud | Shed. | |
Sight | A great (or small) number: “There wunt a sight onnem. “I thort there woulda bin a sight more than that!” | |
Slarver | To drool or dribble; also, to talk rubbish. | |
Slop | A fisherman’s smock worn over his gansey. | |
Sluss, slusspot | Alcoholic drink, one who drinks too much. | |
Smur | Fine rain, drizzle. | |
Snew | Snowed. “That snew an’ snew all day!” | |
Snob | Shoemaker or cobbler. | |
Sorft | Silly: “All the squit yew come out with, yew must be sorft!” | |
Sosh (on the) | Uneven, slanting, out of true: “On the sosh.” | |
Splar, splaar | To spread out: “Dunt she splar her feet out when she walk?” | |
Spuffle | To waffle, speak pompously: “He do spuffle, dunt he?” | |
Squit | Norfolk nonsense: “Tha’s a lot o’ squit.” | |
Stewkey blews | Cockles caught at Stiffkey. | |
Stingy | Mean, cruel, cold: “Ony sixpence pocket money was a bit stingy.” Or: “That wuz stingy ole weather yisterday.” | |
Swimmers | Norfolk dumplings. |
Ta, ter | The, this, that or it: Ter year. | |
Tempest | Thunderstorm. | |
Thack | Thrash or thump: “He wuz rude ter my sister, so I hoolly thacked him aside the lug.” | |
Tidy | Good, fair: “Thass a tidy step to the busstearshun.” | |
Time | While: “I hed a sleep time Maw cooked the dinner.” | |
Titchy | Touchy, irritable. | |
Tittermatorter | See-saw. | |
Titty-totty | Very small. | |
Tizzick | A tickly cough. | |
Tricolate | To spruce up or repair: “He tricolated the shud suffin masterous.” | |
Trosh | To thresh. | |
Troshel, throshel | Doorstep, threshold. | |
Truck | Anything to do: “He ent yar sort – yew dunt watta hev any truck wi him!” | |
Twizzle | To rotate, spin or twist rapidly. |
FOND Archive Fearvruts
Randum Loada Squit
Taken from an 1883 directory of placenames – gives many examples of Norfolk towns and villages that are/were pronounced very differently to their spelling.
This project, with nine Norfolk Schools, aimed to have the local dialect understood and appreciated by the next generation as part of their cultural heritage.
A brief history of the Friends of Norfolk Dialect, (FOND), how, when and why we were formed and what we hope to achieve, I 'spose you'd call ut 'About Us'.